Saturday, July 19, 2008

Human Trade

Just watched an American movie titled: "Trade". The story span between 2 countries, Mexico and America. It is about the human trafficking for illegal trade such as sex or adoption. This story touches on human need of the rich Americans rather than the Mexican poor. No doubt, the Mexican towns bordering the US are somewhat more prosperous due to opportunities in the US. However, it is the needs of these americans for cheap sex that is the root cause of the problems. I am sure there are many similar cases around the world especially Asia. What is more disturbing is the use of technology and communications network being used as the medium of trade. Most of these victims after being kidnapped in their home town were enslaved. Their pictures were posted on a secured website to entice interested bidder to secure a trade. Their faith were more or less the same. Either being used as sex slave or sold into the sex trade.

Even though Singapore had a very safe living environment, most of us do not see such things as kidnapping and enslaving of people so much in the news, however, we must still be aware and vigilant when we visit places around the world.

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